'cigarette butt', oil on canvas, 2024

'retelling of Adam and Eve', oil on canvas, 2024

'my bellyBUTTon feels weird', oil on canvas, 2024

'blowout', 2023, oil, pastel and charcoal on canvas

'fisherman vest', 2023, oil and pastel on wood panel

'welcome to the circus', 2023, oil and pastel on canvas.

'trapped in the belly up; he wanted to spread out, to expand his being beyond the limits of his body and memory', oil on canvas, 2023

'this must be the place', oil on canvas, 2023.

'swallow your symbols', oil on aluminium, 2023.

'The fish needs a bike', oil on canvas, 120x90cm, 2023

'Pissing in the rain, mind that fish', 2023, oil paint on wooden box, 72x32x10cm

'Not Drinking Water', oil on canvas and oil on found paper bag, 2023

'Loose limbed', oil on aluminium, 2023

'Fish at a party', oil on canvas, 2023

'Shoes blues', 2022, 50x40cm, oil on canvas

'A Blade of Grass up an Ass' 2022, 15x15cm, oil on aluminium

'My Pipes Are Sensitive', 2022, oil on canvas and paper 73x65cm, 23x30cm, and plastic piping 50xmx5cm, 69x5cm

'I feel as if I'm Lying on my death bed', oil paint and pastel on linen canvas, 103x24cm, oil pastel on fabric, 103x18cm.

'Tumbling', oil and oil pastel on wooden board, 15x15cm, 2021.

'I'm Spilling Out!', oil on canvas with fabric, 200cmx70cm, 2020.

Detail of 'I'm Spilling Out'

Detail of 'I'm Spilling Out'

Detail of 'I'm Spilling Out'

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